Mesothelioma Attorney

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and are seeking legal representation, you need an experienced attorney who understands the complexities of filing a lawsuit against those responsible. At Breit Biniazan, our Mesothelioma attorneys have represented clients throughout the Commonwealth in a variety of asbestos-related claims and lawsuits.

We understand how devastating it is to learn that your illness was caused by another person’s negligence. We are here to help you claim compensation so you can focus on what matters most; getting well.

Our team will take the time to explain all of your options thoroughly as we guide you through every stage of this legal process with compassion and dedication.


Overview of Mesothelioma Exposure

Industries and Occupations at Risk For Mesothelioma Exposure

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Unfortunately, there are several industries and occupations where workers are at high risk for this exposure. These include construction workers, shipbuilders, power plant workers, and mechanics, among others.

Asbestos was widely used in these industries due to its heat-resistant properties, but it has since been found to be extremely dangerous when fibers are inhaled. This is why it is important for anyone who may have been exposed to asbestos in their work to seek medical attention and potentially even legal help. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our mesothelioma attorneys for expert advice.

Historical Uses of Asbestos

Asbestos, a type of naturally occurring mineral, was widely used in the past for its useful properties. In the early 1900s, it was commonly used in the construction industry for insulation, roofing, and flooring due to its resistance to fire, heat, and chemicals.

Asbestos was also used in shipyards as well as in automotive manufacturing for brake pads and gaskets. However, it was later discovered that exposure to asbestos fibers could lead to serious health problems such as lung disease and cancer.

In 1986, Virginia passed regulations prohibiting the use of asbestos in new construction. Despite this, buildings constructed before the ban may still contain asbestos, making proper abatement crucial. It is important to acknowledge the historical use of asbestos in Virginia and to take necessary precautions for the health and well-being of individuals potentially at risk.

Environmental Hazards of Asbestos Exposure

Over the years, researchers have found compelling evidence linking asbestos exposure to various health hazards, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Since asbestos-containing materials are still present in many buildings, it is essential to raise awareness about the potential risks of asbestos exposure and to take proper safety precautions to prevent exposure.

Building owners and contractors should work together to identify and safely remove any asbestos-containing materials, particularly during renovation or demolition projects. By doing so, they can safeguard the health and safety of workers and the general public.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos-Related Diseases


Definition: Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the mesothelial cells, which are thin layers of tissue that line certain organs in the body. The most common form of mesothelioma affects the lining of the lungs, known as pleural mesothelioma, but it can also affect the lining of the abdomen, known as peritoneal mesothelioma, or the lining of the heart, known as pericardial mesothelioma.

This cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos, which is a naturally occurring mineral that was widely used in construction and manufacturing until the 1980s. Mesothelioma is known to be a highly aggressive cancer that is difficult to treat, but early detection and treatment can improve the chances of survival.

SymptomsIn its early stages, mesothelioma may present symptoms that are easily mistaken for common ailments, such as coughfatigue, and muscle weakness. As the disease progresses, patients may experience chest painshortness of breath, and fluid buildup in the affected region. Unfortunately, mesothelioma is often diagnosed in its advanced stages when treatment options are limited. 


DefinitionAsbestosis is a chronic lung disease that results from the inhalation of asbestos fibers. These fibers, which are usually found in insulation materials, can become lodged in the lungs and cause scarring and inflammation.

Over time, this scarring can lead to difficulty breathing and reduced lung function. Asbestosis is a serious condition that can be fatal, particularly if it is complicated by other lung diseases or smoking.

SymptomsThe symptoms of asbestosis can range from mild to severe, including shortness of breathcoughingchest pain, and fatigue. In some cases, individuals may develop a persistent cough or experience wheezing. Over time, asbestosis can lead to permanent damage to the lungs, which can make it difficult for affected individuals to perform daily activities or engage in physical exertion.

Lung Cancer

DefinitionLung cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the lungs. It is a serious and often life-threatening disease, with smoking being the leading cause. However, it is important to note that non-smokers can also develop lung cancer. The disease is classified into two main types: small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.

Small cell lung cancer accounts for approximately 10-15% of all lung cancer cases, while non-small cell lung cancer accounts for the remaining 85-90%. Early diagnosis is key in the fight against lung cancer, as the earlier the disease is detected, the better the chances of successful treatment.

SymptomsSymptoms of the disease can include coughingchest paindifficulty breathing, and fatigue.

Medical Tests and Procedures For Diagnosing Asbestos-Related Diseases

There are several tests and procedures that can be used to diagnose asbestos-related diseases, including imaging tests like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, a biopsy may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis.

It is important to work with a qualified medical professional who has experience in diagnosing and treating asbestos-related illnesses, as early detection and treatment can lead to better outcomes.

If you have been exposed to asbestos, it is important to take proactive steps to protect your health and stay informed about your options for diagnosis and treatment.

Complications and Long-Term Effects of Asbestos-Related Diseases

It has been established that exposure to asbestos significantly increases the risk of developing lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Unfortunately, the symptoms of these diseases may not manifest themselves for years, or even decades, after the initial exposure.

This makes it all the more important for individuals who may have been exposed to asbestos to seek medical attention and monitoring. Early detection can greatly improve prognosis and quality of life. While no cure exists for asbestos-related diseases, advancements in treatment options and support resources have greatly improved patient outcomes. 

Who Is Eligible to File a Mesothelioma Claim?

The eligibility criteria for filing a mesothelioma claim include the individual must have been exposed to asbestos, either at work or in other settings, and a medical diagnosis of mesothelioma must have been made.

The claim must be filed within the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, which is two years. It’s important to note that eligibility criteria can vary depending on the circumstances of each individual case.

Seeking legal assistance from an experienced mesothelioma attorney can help ensure that your claim meets all eligibility requirements and has the best chance of success. Contact Breit Biniazan for advice today.

Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Evidence needed to support a mesothelioma claim

To successfully pursue a claim, you will need strong evidence that supports your case. This evidence can include medical reports, employment history, and witness testimony.

Medical reports should clearly outline your diagnosis and connect it to asbestos exposure, while employment history can show where and when you were exposed to asbestos. Witness testimony from coworkers, friends, or family members can corroborate your work history and provide additional details about exposure.

Process for filing a mesothelioma claim

The process for filing a claim includes gathering medical and work history records, identifying the parties responsible for the asbestos exposure, and submitting a claim to the appropriate court or trust fund. It’s crucial to work with experienced mesothelioma lawyers who can provide guidance and support throughout the entire process.

Filing a mesothelioma claim can be a complex and challenging legal process, but it’s vital for those impacted by this devastating disease to seek the compensation they deserve to cover medical expenses and other costs.

Statute of Limitations for Mesothelioma Claims

The statute of limitations for mesothelioma claims varies by state, but generally ranges from one to three years from the date of diagnosis. It’s important to act quickly, as failing to file within the statute of limitations could result in the loss of your right to compensation.

Mesothelioma claims can be complex, involving multiple defendants and extensive medical evidence, so it’s important to seek the guidance of an experienced attorney who specializes in asbestos litigation.

Overview of Virginia’s asbestos laws and regulations

Virginia has implemented strict laws and regulations surrounding asbestos in order to protect the health and safety of its citizens. Virginia’s laws require that any projects involving asbestos must be performed by certified professionals who adhere to strict safety protocols.

Virginia has established procedures for inspections and removal of asbestos in public buildings to ensure that citizens are not exposed to harmful levels of the substance. By maintaining these regulations, Virginia is taking important steps to maintain a healthy and safe environment for its residents.

Roles and responsibilities of the Governing Bodies for Asbestos Laws

The governing bodies for asbestos laws play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of workers and civilians alike. One of their primary responsibilities is managing the regulation and inspection of asbestos-containing materials in buildings and facilities throughout the state.

They also oversee the proper removal and disposal of these materials, enforcing strict guidelines to prevent health hazards caused by asbestos exposure. These governing bodies are responsible for educating the public and providing resources for asbestos-related illnesses and legal claims. 

Benefits of Hiring a Mesothelioma Attorney

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, hiring a mesothelioma attorney can provide numerous benefits. At Breit Binazan, our attorneys possess expertise and knowledge of asbestos laws that are necessary in navigating the complicated legal procedures associated with mesothelioma cases.

Mesothelioma is a serious and often fatal disease caused by asbestos exposure, and it is crucial to work with an experienced attorney who can negotiate and settle your case to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

With our negotiation and settlement experience in mesothelioma cases, our mesothelioma attorneys provide peace of mind and ensure that justice is served. Contact Breit Binazan for advice and expert legal representation.

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  • History of Excellence: Long tradition of success in court
  • Experienced Professionals: Over 200 years of combined legal experience
  • Award-Winning Attorneys: Attorneys have been recognized among the most experienced trial lawyers in Virginia and the country
  • Client Commitment: Dedicated to providing our clients with the attention they deserve from start to finish
  • Honorable Service: No recovery, no legal fee
  • Industry Leaders: Leadership roles in the legal community
  • Proven Results: Secured some of the largest settlements in Virginia history