Nursing Home Abuse: Physical, Emotional and Financial

Nursing homes are an essential part of our society’s framework for supporting elderly individuals who need assistance in their daily lives. It is thus heartbreaking when these vulnerable members of society are mistreated by the very people tasked with their care. Abuse of nursing home residents takes many forms, ranging from physical abuse, such as administering dangerous drugs or other forms of corporal punishment, to emotional abuse, such as humiliation and neglect, and even financial exploitation.


What Are The Most Common Types Of Nursing Home Abuse?

Physical Nursing Home Abuse

Physical nursing home abuse is a terrifying injustice that is inflicted upon some of the most vulnerable members of society. It is one of the most horrific and demoralizing forms of abuse, as it almost always goes unnoticed until it reaches serious levels within an elderly victim’s life.

Even though this form of neglect and mistreatment is unacceptable, it is all the more reprehensible that it is overlooked and disproportionately committed against elderly citizens, who are more vulnerable due to their age.

Physical abuse can take many forms, from hitting and slapping to inappropriate restraint or force-feeding. It’s important for families and friends of nursing home residents to be aware of the signs of physical nursing home abuse, so that they can help protect their loved ones from any harm.

Emotional Nursing Home Abuse

Emotional nursing home abuse is a particularly cruel form of mistreatment experienced by thousands of vulnerable individuals each year. It takes many forms, such as humiliation, intimidation, verbal insults, and much more.

Emotional abuse can have devastating short-term and long-term effects on the victims, including night terrors and a lack of trust in caregivers. Even worse, these effects can last throughout their entire senior years if the abuse is not confronted and stopped as soon as possible. Although emotional abuse may not leave physical scars, it leaves deep psychological wounds that are incredibly hard to heal. That is why it is so important to take a stand against any kind of emotional abuse in nursing homes and speak up when we see someone being taken advantage of or mistreated.

Financial Nursing Home Abuse

Dealing with the financial exploitation of elderly nursing home residents is a responsibility that should be taken very seriously. This form of abuse is all too common and can have serious consequences for those individuals who are unable to protect themselves. Financial nursing home abuse can damage relationships, disrupt finances, cause significant distress, and in some cases, even lead to homelessness.

Elder abuse resources are available to help identify signs of neglect and misuse of funds, as well as tools to help assess individuals’ financial needs so that they can make informed decisions when choosing a retirement facility. Organizations like Adult Protective Services exist specifically to investigate suspicious or potentially dangerous circumstances and take corrective action if needed.

How Can I Tell If My Loved One Is Being Abused In A Nursing Home?

When it comes to ensuring our loved ones are being well taken care of, there is nothing more important to us than their safety and security. Knowing how to spot signs of abuse in a nursing home can mean the difference between your loved one having a pleasant stay or one filled with fear and mistreatment.

It’s essential that we take note of any changes in our loved one’s behavior that might indicate they are suffering from abuse. This includes signs of fearful, agitated or withdrawn behavior, as well as physical symptoms such as marked weight loss, bruises or cuts. If you see evidence or suspect your relative is being abused in any way, it is important to follow up without delay and report your suspicions to the proper authorities. Doing so could potentially save your loved one from further harm and provide them with the safety and well-being they deserve.

Who Is Most At Risk For Nursing Home Abuse?

Elderly individuals residing in nursing homes are particularly vulnerable to physical and emotional abuse given their lack of mobility, reduced ability to communicate, and difficulty asserting control over their circumstances.

However, some age-groups have a higher risk of being subject to forms of neglect or worse. Those with cognitive impairments such as dementia affected by Alzheimer’s Disease, for instance, can find it hard to report when mistreated or understand the gravity of their situation.

Those with physical disabilities may be targeted due to perceived vulnerability, while residents admitted from hospitals often have difficulty adapting which can make them easier targets. No matter the reasons why an individual may be considered at higher risk of being abused in this kind of setting, all citizens need to ensure that nursing home personnel are held accountable and practices are in place to protect our seniors against mistreatment.

What Should I Do If I Suspect My Loved One Is Being Abused In A Nursing Home?

If you suspect that a loved one is being abused in a nursing home, it’s important to act quickly. While limited access and finances can make it difficult to find out more information, there are a few options you can pursue. 

You can communicate with the nursing home staff to identify sources of support to investigate if your suspicions are true or not. If abuse is taking place, make sure that professional authorities get involved immediately to help protect your family member or loved one and ensure their wellbeing.

What Are The Legal Options For Victims Of Nursing Home Abuse?

Victims of nursing home abuse are protected under the law and should always pursue legal action if they or a loved one have experienced abuse. Fortunately, America has some of the strictest laws in place to protect elders from mistreatment. It is important to report abuse if you see something that doesn’t seem right. Each state has different guidelines on how to report nursing home abuse.

Depending on the situation, victims may have access to numerous legal remedies such as filing a complaint with local elder abuse agencies, suing for damages in a court of law, or pursuing criminal charges against the abuser.

Certain state and federal laws restrict the ability of nursing homes to shift responsibility for the issue instead of taking corrective action. Victims are empowered to hold these facilities accountable and set an example that any form of mistreatment should not be tolerated.

If your loved one has been physically, emotionally or financially abused by nursing home staff, contact our nursing home abuse attorneys today for advice and support.

Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

If you have experienced a physical, emotional or financial nursing home abuse, seeking out legal advice is an important action to take in order to ensure you are adequately and fairly compensated. Doing so can greatly reduce stress for both you and your loved ones due to the abuse.

At Breit Biniazan, our team of specialized lawyers will assess the situation

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Call Breit Biniazan at (855) 212-8200 for a free, confidential case evaluation today.

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